Customer Success Story
Integrating Measurement Data into One’s Own Software
“The machines and their components are constantly under stress due to high temperatures, heavy use, and dirt. A “smart” condition monitoring system would not only relieve the burden on maintenance, it would also increase safety, because the most crucial machines are often difficult to access. That’s why we’re looking for a monitoring solution that provides more planning reliability, offers greater safety for personnel and, ideally, integrates into our maintenance software.“
The team started by inquiring about a suitable solution within its own ranks.
What’s Special
The forge and hardening shop were the first sites to install ProLink CMS in a real-life environment, which allowed all functions to be tested before going to market. Thoroughly convinced of the system’s effectiveness, the maintenance department now has 62 ProLink CMS systems with 461 vibration sensors in use – with more planned for the future.
Annealing furnace
Costs resulting from an unplanned shutdownRepairs up to | € 2,000 |
Downtime up to | € 4,500 |
Production losses up to | € 3,500 |
Total costs | € 10,000 |
Savings from nine prevented outages in two and a half years using ProLink CMS: € 90,000*
*The non-recurring acquisition costs are to be deducted from this.
Technical Information
Fonctionnement de Schaeffler ProLink CMS
Les capteurs Schaeffler détectent les vibrations sur la machine. ProLink CMS analyse l’état vibratoire global ainsi que les vibrations spécifiques aux composants des roulements et
des engrenages. Toutes les valeurs caractéristiques et états d’alarme peuvent être transférés au poste de contrôle ou à la commande de la machine au moyen d’OPC UA Parallèlement, l’état d’alarme peut également être transmis à un système de planification de la maintenance via OPC UA. Des actions de maintenance adaptées peuvent alors être déclenchées. Les coûts élevés liés à un arrêt sont ainsi évités.
Facts & Figures
62 ProLink CMS systems with 461 sensors
7 forging presses
9 ProLink CMS systems with 72 sensors
4 annealing furnaces
6 ProLink CMS systems with 77 sensors
Hardening shop
4 hardening furnaces
8 ProLink CMS systems with 96 sensors
1 tempering furnace
1 ProLink CMS systems with 2 sensors
2 hardening furnaces
4 ProLink CMS systems with 36 sensors